Trail rides are booked by the day only and we will get back to you with times available as soon as possible. Please select the 9 am time slot and in the contact information section add preferred time(s).
The minimum age requirement of children is 10 years old. A small child does not have the mental ability or the physical strength to control a full grown 1,000lb horse. That is why we offer a very special opportunity for the younger kids. Our Cowpoke Adventure! (We may make an exception for a child who is 9 and will follow instruction well. If we find the child is unable to ride on the trail on their own, safely, we will bring the group back to the barn).
To ensure safety of horses and riders please include weights of riders over 165 lbs.
If you can not to keep your appointment, we are happy to refund your payment as long as you let us know AT LEAST 72 Hours before your booking. If We have to cancel due to weather, 100% of your payment will be refunded.
Book Your Trail Ride Online Today
1 hr
45 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
50 Canadian dollars2 hr
55 Canadian dollars